Share non downloadable videos and create social profile

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Jun 8, 2023

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Detalles del producto

Under3 - Dynamic Video Sharing Platform

Under3 is a dynamic and innovative video sharing platform, tailor-made for the modern content consumer and creator. Utilizing the power of Django, a robust Python web framework, Under3 caters to the increasing demand for quick and engaging visual content, providing users with the ability to share and interact with short videos of three minutes or less. This can be set to any limit system wide or allow users to upload videos of any length.

Under3 offers a wealth of features to enhance the user experience:

  • User Authentication: Secure registration and profile management.

  • Video Uploading: Users can upload and process videos for optimal viewing across devices and networks.

  • Social Interactions: Features like liking, commenting, sharing, and the unique "shielding" option enhance user engagement.

  • Interaction Button: A customizable interaction button for each video encourages user activity.

  • Shows: Users can curate and subscribe to series or playlists of videos.

  • Watch Later: Users can save videos for later viewing.

  • Video Encoding: HLS video encoding ensures fast streaming and protects against unauthorized downloads.

  • Video Tagging: Videos can be tagged with related keywords, languages, and locations for improved discoverability.

  • Reporting Mechanism: Users can report inappropriate content or behavior, promoting a safe environment.

  • Admin Dashboard: Admins can verify uploaded videos and manage model updates.

  • Environment Variables: Sensitive information is managed securely using environment variables.

  • Database Configuration: The platform uses PostgreSQL for reliable data management.

  • Search: Users can search videos based on tags, languages or locations.

In addition to its user-centric features, Under3 incorporates sophisticated technologies for seamless video streaming and user-friendly interfaces. The application employs HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) for video encoding, ensuring adaptive streaming that adjusts video quality based on the viewer's network conditions, and providing a deterrent against unauthorized content downloading. Furthermore, users can add tags, locations, and languages to their videos, enhancing content discoverability through filtering and search capabilities.

With its expansive range of features and focus on user experience, Under3 is an outstanding platform for both content creators and consumers, offering a modern and interactive environment for short video sharing.

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  • 📁 Share non downloadable videos and create social profile

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